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Дракон глазами восточного человека (72 of 75)

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«Вода и луна охвачены чаньским спокойствием,
Драконы и рыбы слушают ваши молитвы.
Люблю я ученья буддийского свет —
На десять тысяч ли им все озарено.»

Цянь Ци

Дракон глазами восточного человека (72 of 75)

Three legged bird flanked by dragon and phoenix. Mural from the Koguryo period Korea. The three legged bird appears in the mythologies of many cultures including Egypt China Korea and Japan

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Three legged bird flanked by dragon and phoenix. Mural from the Koguryo period  Korea. The three legged bird appears in the mythologies of many cultures  including Egypt  China  Korea  and Japan
Three legged bird flanked by dragon and phoenix. Mural from the Koguryo period Korea. The three legged bird appears in the mythologies of many cultures including Egypt China Korea and Japan

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